April ramblings


Another desk-bound month, but what a one for blossom! Spectacular quantities of it everywhere, but could I capture a photo to do it justice? Sadly, no – not with a phone camera. It was a great month for tulips, too, like the ones below at Walmer Castle Gardens, and they were much easier to photograph.

April wasn’t just about admiring gardens – I visited Greenwich on a beautiful spring day to see The Painted Ceiling, pre-restoration, at the Royal Naval Hall. Hard hats and high vis jackets were required, before a trip up the scaffolding to view the beautiful Baroque ceiling as the people who painted it would have seen it, complete with the graffiti they left behind.

As the month continued with fabulous narcissi, bluebells, wisteria and lilac, who would have thought I would be longing for rain! I’ve got my wish, though. May is getting off to a cool, wet start – but the garden loves it.

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